About us

“The Tyrolean Inn at Martin’s” is the only restaurant in the Drawsko Lakeland, where you can enjoy delicious Tyrolean-style dishes throughout the year and rent rooms with a wonderful view of the Lubie Lake.
The Inn refers to both stylization, decor and food to typical premises in the Austrian Alps. The food served is carefully made according to the original recipes straight from the Alps. Delicious steaks, skewers, fish from the oven, salads and a wide selection of soups – even the fastidious gourmet will find something for themselves here! In addition, we offer dishes of the day every week.
The ?Tyrolean Inn at Martin? is located in Błędno by the Lubie Lake near the Sołtysia Island and the Inter Nos campsite. This is a place will definitely surprise many tourists.

The restaurant is open:
Monday – Closed
Tuesdey  – Closed
Wednesday  14.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Thursday 14.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Friday  12.00 – 21.00 Uhr
Saturday 12.00 – 21.00 Uhr
Sunday 12.00 – 20.00 Uhr

Opening hours may change on public holidays.
Please contact us by phone to reserve tables.
Telephone +48 94 363 11 90



Welcome to the Tyrolean Inn in Martin

The Moser family

Karczma Tyrolska u Martina


Karczma Tyrolskau MartinaBłędno 1 / Lubieszewo78-520 Złocieniec


tel.kom.: +48 602 554 348tel.: +48 (0) 94 363 11 90<a href="mailto:m.moser@inter-nos.pl">email: m.moser@inter-nos.pl</a>

Camping Inter-nos ? 2018. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.

Projekt i wykonanie KG-SOFT